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'Non-Manipulative Structural Correction’ Series of Workshops.

If you are a manual therapist, would you like a systematic process to assess and treat the dysfunction that occurs in and around the joints of the lumbar spine and pelvic region?

Do you understand what problems these limitations in movement can create to the neuromuscular function?

Did you realise that if the joints and bone structure is able moving efficiently, you could see half the soft tissue dysfunction just disappear through reduction in neuromuscular inhibition and functional range increases?

These techniques allow for greater results and faster treatment that is easier on the practitioner’s hands and body.

Get to the base of the cause quickly and effectively using The NMSC approach.

This series of workshops are an intensive, hands on course designed specifically for the soft tissue/manual therapist.

There are currently 3 workshops being presented in the ‘Non Manipulative Structural Correction’ range.​


  • Primary Corrections for the lumbar, sacrum and Pelvis.

  • Corrections for the Thoracic vertebrae and Ribs

  • Corrections for Cervical and Clavicle

  • Also in development

  • Corrections for Glenohumeral Joint, Elbow and Wrist

  • Secondary Corrections for Sacrum and Hip

  • Corrections for the Knee, Ankle and Foot


Content includes:

An over-view of bony landmarks with assessment techniques to accurately determine undesirable joint movement patterns in passive and active functional movements.

The therapist will be shown easy to use structural mobilisation and correction techniques based upon manual mobilisation and Muscle Energy Techniques.

This will give the therapist an understanding of 'normal' arthro-kinematics and the ability to identify and correct many common conditions that can be the root cause of musculo-skeletal pain. This allows the musculature and bony structure to function more efficiently with less inhibition or restriction and achieve its new functional potential.

These techniques have been developed with the manual therapist in mind but can be used prior to any type of modality.

These gentle corrections can be used before any type of soft tissue work and can help correct conditions ranging from postural dysfunction, sporting injuries or cumulative load complaints. They are suitable for treating children to the elderly and the elite athlete. There is some orthopaedic testing involved and discussion to prove/disprove some long held popular beliefs about joint alignment.

No oil is used for the corrections and they can usually be completed with the patient fully clothed if needed. It is not a type of massage. It is a structured process to mobilise joints and ensure they can reach their optimum range potential. The corrections consist of gentle resistance to active movements by the patient or specifically targeted gentle joint mobilisations/oscillations.

The corrections are complimented with a range of myofascial release techniques or specific soft tissue treatments that allow the body to resist returning to the less desirable or faulty movement patterns.

Non-Manipulative Structural Correction for the Cervical and Clavicle region.

The therapist will be shown easy to use assessment and structural mobilisation and correction techniques for the Cervical spine, Cervicothoracic junction, Sub Occipital region and Clavicle. If you don't understand the role of the clavicle in neck or shoulder problems, or just want to be able to mobilise the cervical spine to create a longer lasting effect to your treatments, this workshop is for you.

This will give the therapist an understanding of 'normal' arthro-kinematics and the ability to correct many common conditions that can be the root cause of musculo-skeletal pain and postural syndromes relating to the neck and shoulder area.

To compliment these corrections a comprehensive range of myofascial and connective tissue release techniques are included to ensure the musculature, joints and structure are able to realise the new functional potential.


Non-Manipulative Structural Correction for the Thoracic Vertebrae and Ribs

The therapists will be shown easy to use structural mobilisation and correction techniques for the Thoracic vertebra and the Ribs. This gives the therapist an understanding of 'normal' arthro-kinematics and the ability to correct many common conditions that can be the root cause of musculo-skeletal pain. This freedom of movement allows the musculature and bony structure to achieve its new functional potential. This workshop also contains fascial release techniques for the Abdominals, Thorax and Ribs to help correct any posturally acquired dysfunction and regain any lost movement patterns. These dysfunctions can be a contributing factor in restricted postural patterns, faulty scapula stability and movement patterns, restricted rib mobility, neck, shoulder, arm problems and much more. The Thorax is part of the 'Core' of the body. It can be a big part of a lot of problems that you might not directly see the connection.

Non-Manipulative Structural Correction for the Lumbo-Sacro-Pelvic and Hip Complex

In this 2 day workshop the therapist will be shown a thourough list of easy to use assessments, MET's, joint mobilisation and correction techniques for the Lumbo-Sacro-Pelvic area. It includes corrections for the lumbar spine, ilia, sacrum and femoro-acetabular(Hip) joint.

Content includes an over-view of bony landmarks and assessment techniques to accurately determine dysfunctional joint patterns in passive and active functional movements.

The therapist will be shown easy to use assessments, MET's, joint mobilisation and correction techniques for the Lumbo-Sacro-Pelvic area. It includes corrections for the lumbar spine, ilia, sacrum and femoro-acetabular(Hip) joint.

This will give the therapist an understanding of 'normal' arthro-kinematics and the ability to correct many common conditions that can be the root cause of musculo-skeletal pain.

To compliment these corrections a comprehensive range of myofascial release techniques are included to ensure the musculature, joints and structure are allowed to realise its new functional potential. Treatment areas include Sacroiliac joints, Pubic Symphysis, specific Sacral Mobility, Lumbar vertebrae Facet Joints, femoro-acetabular joint and also the associated major musculature.

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